AN 420 Винт установочный с прямым шлицем и шариком стальной
AN 420 Винт установочный с прямым шлицем и шариком стальной
СтандартAN 420ПокрытиеБез покрытияДиаметр, мм4, 5, 6, 8, 10..Длина, мм9, 12, 14, 16, 19..Упаковка, шт.25, 20, 30, 60Вид резьбыПолнаяШлицПрямой (PL)Тип резьбыМетрическаяШаг резьбы. мм0.7, 0.8, 1, 1.25..Народное наименованиеГужон
The AN 420 is a set screw with a straight slot and ball head made of steel. Its spring-loaded ball-shaped element allows it to hold parts together by fitting into a recess or groove.
This screw is ideal for use in mechanical engineering, machine tool construction and tool manufacturing. Its versatility allows it to be used in a variety of industries.
The AN 420 is made of steel, which ensures reliability and durability in operation. Its uncoated design allows the screw to be used in a wide range of environments without loss of quality.
AN 420 is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and versatile fastener for their projects.