Nut DIN 1587 M12 polyamide


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Nut DIN 1587 M12 polyamide
Nut DIN 1587 M12 polyamide креслення
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Field of applicationEngineering
TypeDomed cap
Turnkey size, mm19
Threading step, mm1.75
StandardDIN 1587, ГОСТ 11860-85
Fastening groupPolyamide fastening
Diameter, mm12
Type of carvingPartially
Thread typeMetric
Packaging, pcs.100
Height, mm22
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Nut DIN 1587 M12 polyamide
Nut DIN 1587 M12 polyamide креслення

A cap nut DIN 1587 is a nut that covers the threaded portion both for decorative purposes and to protect the thread. DIN 1587 can cover longer sections of the threaded part of a bolt or screw.

The application area of DIN 1587 includes its use in playground equipment, sports gear, and more.

Material It is typically made from polyamide material. Polyamide fasteners offer numerous advantages, including zero susceptibility to corrosion, ensuring reliability in humid conditions. They are lightweight, reducing the overall weight of the structure and lowering transportation and assembly energy costs. Additionally, they are safe to use as they do not conduct electricity, making them ideal for situations where electrical contact or short circuits need to be avoided. Furthermore, polyamide fasteners are known for their flexibility, allowing them to withstand loads without the risk of breaking.

An equivalent to DIN 1587 in the GOST standard would be GOST 11860-85.

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