Screws with a ring / hook hook-screw - Інтернет-магазин DinmarkL-shaped hook-screw screw - Інтернет-магазин DinmarkO-ring screw with a hook, form C - Інтернет-магазин DinmarkScrew with a hook, form C
ART 8707 zinc Hook screw PL

ART 8707 zinc Hook screw PL

Zinc png
ART 8707 zinc Hook screw PL StandardART 8707CoatingZincDiameter, mm4.5, 5, 6Length, mm35, 45, 75Packaging, pcs.100Type of carvingPartiallySlotDirect (PL)Field of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 8707 brass Hook and screw

ART 8707 brass Hook and screw

Brass png
ART 8707 brass Hook and screw Fastening groupBrass fasteningStandardART 8707MaterialBrassDiameter, mm3, 3.5, 4.5Length, mm20, 35, 45Packaging, pcs.100, 50Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 8707 zinc yellow Hook-screw

ART 8707 zinc yellow Hook-screw

Stal pngYellow zink png
ART 8707 zinc yellow Hook-screw Fastening groupБудівельн..StandardART 8707MaterialStalCoatingYellow zinkDiameter, mm6, 8Length, mm70, 100Packaging, pcs.5Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 8707 A2 Hook screw

ART 8707 A2 Hook screw

Stainless steel A2 png
ART 8707 A2 Hook screw Fastening groupStainless steel..StandardART 8707MaterialStainless steel..Diameter, mm3, 3.5, 4.5, 5..Length, mm30, 40, 45, 50..Packaging, pcs.50Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw with stop

ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw with stop

Zinc png
ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw with stop StandardART 8707CoatingZincDiameter, mm4.5Length, mm55Packaging, pcs.100Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw

ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw

Stal pngZinc png
ART 8707 zinc Hook-screw StandardART 8707MaterialStalCoatingZincDiameter, mm3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6..Length, mm20, 27, 37, 40..Packaging, pcs.100, 50, 20Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 9079 A2 Screw with ring

ART 9079 A2 Screw with ring

Stainless steel A2 png
ART 9079 A2 Screw with ring Fastening groupStainless steel..StandardART 9079MaterialStainless steel..Diameter, mm3.3, 3.45, 3.5..Length, mm16, 20, 25, 30..HeadRingPackaging, pcs.25Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
Eye-bolt GS 12 FISCHER

Eye-bolt GS 12 FISCHER

Fischer Stal png
Eye-bolt GS 12 FISCHER BrandFischerMaterialStalDiameter, mm12Length, mm90, 120, 160, 190..HeadRingPackaging, pcs.25Thread typeMetricThreading step, mm1.75
AN 303 zinc Screw with ring

AN 303 zinc Screw with ring

Stal pngZinc png
AN 303 zinc Screw with ring StandardAN 303MaterialStalCoatingZincDiameter, mm3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6..Length, mm20, 30, 35, 40..HeadRingPackaging, pcs.100, 50, 5Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
AN 303 brass Screw with ring

AN 303 brass Screw with ring

Brass png
AN 303 brass Screw with ring Fastening groupBrass fasteningStandardAN 303MaterialBrassDiameter, mm3.5, 4, 5, 5.5Length, mm25, 40, 50, 65HeadRingPackaging, pcs.50, 20Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstruction
AN 509 zinc Screw with hook

AN 509 zinc Screw with hook

Stal pngZinc png
AN 509 zinc Screw with hook StandardAN 509MaterialStalCoatingZincDiameter, mm3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4..Length, mm30, 40, 45, 50..Packaging, pcs.100, 50, 5Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
AN 509 zinc yellow Hook-screw

AN 509 zinc yellow Hook-screw

Stal pngYellow zink png
AN 509 zinc yellow Hook-screw StandardAN 509MaterialStalCoatingYellow zinkDiameter, mm6, 10Length, mm130, 140..Packaging, pcs.25, 5Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
ART 9080 A2 Screw with hook

ART 9080 A2 Screw with hook

Stainless steel A2 png
ART 9080 A2 Screw with hook Fastening groupStainless steel..StandardART 9080MaterialStainless steel..Diameter, mm3.3, 3.5, 4, 4.4..Length, mm40, 50, 60, 65..Packaging, pcs.25, 50Type of carvingPartiallyField of applicationConstructionTypeScrew hook
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