DIN 7985 A2 Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PH

DIN 7985 A2 Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PZ

DIN 7985 4.8 zinc Phillips Phillips head screw PH

DIN 7985 A2 Screw with semicircular head for torx

DIN 7985 4,8 zinc Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PZ

DIN 7985 4.8 zinc Screw with semicircular head torx

DIN 7985 4,8 zinc yellow Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PH

DIN 7985 4.8 uncoated Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PH

DIN 7985 A4 Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PH

DIN 7985 A4 Screw with semicircular head and cross slot PZ

DIN 7985 brass Screw with semicircular head

DIN 7985 4.8 zinc placket black cross-slot PH Screw

DIN 7985 zinc Screw with semicircular head and nylon coating DIN 267-28 KLF

DIN 84 A2 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 4,8 zinc Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 4,8 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 4,8 zinc yellow Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 brass Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 uncoated Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 A4 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 polyamide Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 84 A1 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 7500 C zinc Screw with semicircular head for torx

DIN 7500 C zinc self-tapping Screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 7500 C A2 Self-tapping screw with half-round head PH

DIN 7500 C A2 torx Self-tapping Screw with semicircular head

DIN 7500 C A2 self-tapping Screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 967 zinc Screw with semicircular head and washer

NFE 27-128 A4 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

NFE 27-128 zinc Screw with a semicircular head and a straight slot

NFE 27-128 A2 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 85 A2 Screw with semicircular head and straight slot

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Stainless screws with a semicircular head
What is a stainless steel head screw?
This type of stainless steel mount has the form of an ordinary metal rod, at one end of which there is a head that transmits torque, and at the other end - an external thread. The head of the screw is needed to use special tools (wrench, screwdriver, air or electric gun, etc.) to press the parts of the structure to be connected.
The screw with a semicircular head from stainless steel can have various slots:
with internal hexagon;
with holes for bits;
Screws with a semicircular head are made of stainless steel A2 (food steel) and A4 (acid-resistant steel). The fastening made of A2 type steel is steady against influence of weather conditions and the atmospheric phenomena, influence of corrosion and is rather fire-resistant. The fastening made of acid-resistant A4 steel is characterized by stronger technical characteristics: has a high threshold of resistance to corrosion, various aggressive media and acids, and is able to withstand lowering the temperature to -60 ° C.
Where is a stainless steel screw with a semicircular head used?
Stainless steel head screws are widely used in various industries. Some of the types are used in instrumentation, mechanical engineering, automotive, shipbuilding, in the manufacture of furniture, in various construction processes, for the connection of metal, wooden components and parts, as well as in many other areas of economic and domestic activities
Де купити і як доставити гвинти з напівкруглої голівкою нержавіючі?
Купити гвинти з напівкруглою головкою з нержавіючої сталі оптом, з прямою доставкою в будь-яку точку України, в тому числі, в Київ, Харків, Дніпропетровськ, Запоріжжя, Одесу, Миколаїв, Херсон, Ви можете в нашому інтернет-магазині Dinmark. Компанія Dinmark працює безпосередньо з виробниками, тому ми пропонуємо виключно оригінальне, високоякісне, сертифіковане, надійне нержавіюче кріплення за найнижчими цінами. У каталозі магазина представлений широкий асортимент нержавіючого кріплення, включаючи гвинти з напівкруглою головкою з нержавійки — доступна ціна, висока якість виробів, надійність і кваліфікований сервіс співробітників компанії гарантовані!
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