Different companies around the world produce a large number of furniture products of various kinds and types every day. There are those who need some specialized fasteners, and others do not require it at all. However, the vast majority of these products are made with the right device. So, let's consider what it is and what types of furniture fasteners exist.
What types of furniture fasteners are there?
- Threaded. The most common type in this group is a bolt and nut. The advantages of this duo are a high level of reliability, but the installation of threaded fasteners for a person who is doing this for the first time can be a problem.
- Euro screw or confirmation. This type of fixation is similar to a screw or self-tapping screw. Its advantage is the high assembly speed. Of the minuses - the presence of the visible part.
- Special eccentric screeds. Many experts believe that this type is one of the best options for twisting furniture. They are easy to use and virtually invisible during operation.
- "Classic method" - corners and pegs made of wood. It is used to connect two parts. It is used in the presence of compounds that do not involve heavy loads in the future. This method is recommended mainly for decorative details. The material for making the corners is metal or plastic. With the help of a plastic corner, you can hide the fastener cover.
- Scaffolding for sectional elements. This type is a screw and nut. It allows you to pull two different sections of the same design.
- Fastening for a table-top. A special type of furniture screed, it fixes the two parts of the countertop. used only for the production of kitchen utensils.
Features of bolts for the furniture industry
A bolt is the most common fastener. This type of fastening consists of a cylindrical rod with a thread and a head, which in most cases has a hexagonal shape. It is used in both private and industrial construction. Also, some types of heavy-duty bolts are often found in the engineering industry, plowshares with countersunk heads - in agriculture, there are also some types of them that are used to a lesser extent are elevator and rail.
The furniture bolt is significantly different from the usual in appearance. It consists of a semicircular head under which there is a square headrest or a small protrusion (in order to avoid turning and loosening the structure when twisting) and a rod, which may have incomplete or complete thread. This bolt fully guarantees the safe operation of the product, as only a smooth head remains after tightening it.
What kind of furniture fasteners should be used?
Collecting furniture requires certain skills and knowledge. Only a specialist can answer the question of which fastener should be used in a given case. It is worth noting that the fasteners should not attract attention. Only then will your interior look really aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.