WKFC zinc Self-tapping screw for wooden structures Wkret-Met

HNT А2 Screw with underhead thread for decking and other wood structures

WDB-T Self-tapping screw for Wkret-Met insulation

WN A2 Self-tapping screw with countersunk head for exotic wood species Wkret-Met

WSR-T Ruspert Self-tapping screw with countersunk torx head Wkret-Met

KMWHT zinc yellow Structural carpentry self-tapping screw with countersunk head Wkret-Met

WSR Ruspert Self-tapping screw with countersunk head and cruciform slot PH Wkret-Met

WKSS zinc Self-tapping screw with countersunk head for leveling Wkret-Met structural battens

KDH zinc yellow Self-tapping screw with countersunk head Wkret-Met

WPCV-B Self-tapping screw with countersunk head for PVC Wkret-Met

WKCS zinc yellow Structural carpentry self-tapping screw with countersunk head Wkret-Met

DIN 7982-C A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PH

DIN 7982-C A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PZ

DIN 7982-C A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head SQ

DIN 7982-C A4 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PH

DIN 7982-C A4 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PZ

DIN 7982-C zinc self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PH

DIN 7982-C zinc black self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PH

DIN 7982-C zinc self-tapping Screw with countersunk head under the torx

DIN 7982-C A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PZ

ISO 14586-C A4 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head for torx

ISO 14586-C zinc self-tapping Screw with countersunk head for torx

ISO 14586-C A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head for torx

ART 9042 A2 Self-tapping screw with countersunk head for torx

AN 207 phosphate Self-tapping screw for drywall for wood with a secret head

KSGD phosphate Self-tapping screw for plasterboard for wood with a countersunk head Wkret-Met

DIN 7972 A2 Self-tapping screw with countersunk head and straight slot

DIN 7972 zincSelf-tapping screw with countersunk head and straight slot

DIN 7982-F A2 self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PH

DIN 7982-F zinc self-tapping Screw with countersunk head PZ

ISO 14586-F zinc self-tapping Screw with countersunk head for torx

AN 206 phosphate Self-tapping screw for drywall for metal with countersunk head

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Self-tapping screws corrosion-proof with a secret head
What is a stainless steel self-tapping screw with a countersunk head?
This is a popular fastener, which is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of DIN 7982, ISO 7050 and GOST 10619-80. Other names that are found in everyday life - self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws.
These self-tapping screws with a head of a secret form are made. There is a slot at the end of the head. The slot can be of several types: cruciform, star-shaped or straight. For twisting use special tools (screwdrivers or screwdrivers), with nozzles according to the type of slot.
Like DIN 7981 self-tapping screws, stainless steel countersunk screws can have sharp (C-shaped) or blunt (F-shaped) ends.
There are self-tapping screws with a secret head on:
Head heights: 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 3.0, 3.4, 3.8, 4.65 mm.
Head diameters: 4.3, 5.5, 6.8, 7.5, 8.1, 9.5, 10.8, 12.4, 15.8 mm.
Thread lengths: 9.5, 12, 13, 16, 19, 25, 32 mm.
Thread diameters: 2.2, 2.9, 3.5, 3.9, 4.2, 4.8, 5.5, 6.3 mm.
If a stainless steel screw with a countersunk head and a blunt end F is used, it is necessary to mark and pre-drill holes in the material before installing it. The diameter of the holes must exactly match the diameter of the hardware.
Self-tapping screws with a countersunk head (DIN 7982, GOST 10619-80) are made of A2 stainless steel and A4 acid-resistant steel. Thanks to the alloying elements which are a part of steels, self-tapping screws with a secret head of DIN 7982 are steady against influence of corrosion, external atmospheric phenomena, sharp differences of temperatures, well show in the conditions of the increased humidity, etc. A4 steel products can be used in structures that come into contact with some aggressive environments: salty seawater, acids and alkaline solutions.
Stainless steel self-tapping screw with a countersunk head?
Due to their high technical characteristics and versatility, self-tapping stainless steel screws (DIN 7982) are widely used in various industries and industries to create strong, reliable and durable permanent joints. For example: in mechanical engineering, during production, assembly and installation of furniture, installation of various hinged structures, in various construction, repair and finishing processes, in many industries, in the production of agricultural equipment and installations, in everyday life and more.
Basically, this fastening is used to load-bearing structures made of such materials as: various types of metal, wood, plywood, hardboard, etc. When working with these products, for complete immersion of the metal in the surface of the material, it is necessary to perform chamfers for concealed heads.
When installing some structures, such as concrete, brick, plasterboard frames, etc., this fastening can act as a dowel.
It is convenient that when screwing self-tapping screws with countersunk heads in wood or plastic, you do not need to make pre-holes in the materials. However, to connect thicker and stronger materials (metals), the holes must be prepared in advance.
High quality steel, sharpening of the tip and thread, make it possible to tighten screws without damaging the materials.
Where to buy and how to deliver stainless steel screws with a countersunk head (DIN 7982, GOST 10619-80)?
The full range of stainless steel mounts is available on our Dinmark website.
у нас Ви зможете купити саморізи нержавіючі з потайною головкою (DIN 7982, ГОСТ 10619-80) оптом і в роздріб, з прямою доставкою в будь-яку точку України, в тому числі, в Київ, Харків, Дніпропетровськ, Запоріжжя, Одесу, Миколаїв, Херсон та ін. Компанія Dinmark працює безпосередньо з виробниками, тому пропонує своїм клієнтам виключно високоякісне, сертифіковане, оригінальне і надійне нержавіюче кріплення за найнижчими цінами!
В каталозі Dinmark представлений широкий асортимент будь-яких нержавіючих металовиробів, включаючи саморізи з потайною головкою з нержавіючої сталі — найнижча ціна, висока якість, надійність і кваліфікований сервіс гарантовані!
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