WKLC Self-tapping screw with half-round head for wood Wkret-Met

WBSW Self-tapping screw with half-round head for concrete Wkret-Met

WPC / BWPC zinc Self-tapping Flange head screw Wkret-Met

WKCP zinc yellow Structural carpentry self-tapping screw with semicircular head and press washer Wkret-Met

DIN 7981-C oxide Self-tapping screw with a half-round head PH

DIN 7981-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7981-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 7981-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head SQ

DIN 7981-C A4 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7981-C A4 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 7981-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7981-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head under torx

DIN 7981-C zinc plated black Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7981-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 7981-C zinc black Self-tapping screw with semicircular head under torx

DIN 7981-C zinc black Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

WBWT zinc Self-tapping screw with half-round head Wkret-Met

ISO 14585-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head for torx

ISO 14585-C A4 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head for torx

ISO 14585-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head for torx

DIN 968-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and press washer toothed PH

DIN 968-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and press washer PH

DIN 968-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semi-circular head and press washer PH

DIN 968-C phosphate Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and press washer PH

DIN 7981-F zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7981-F zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PZ

DIN 7981-F A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head PH

DIN 7971-C A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 7971-C zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and straight slot

DIN 7971-F zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head and straight slot

ISO 14585-F zinc Self-tapping screw with semicircular head for torx

ART 9065 A2 Self-tapping screw with semicircular head for torx

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What is a stainless steel screw with a semicircular head?
Other names that you can find in everyday life - self-tapping screw, self-tapping screw (DIN 7981, GOST 10621).
This fastener is an ordinary steel cylindrical rod with a thread. The thread can be one-way or two-way. The angle of the profile should not be more than 60 °. At one end of the rod is a semicircular head with a straight or cross-shaped slot (Philips, Pozidriv or Torx). On the opposite side there is a tip, which can be with a sharp end (form C) or with a blunt end (form F).
There are self-tapping screws with a semicircular head on:
- Head heights: 1.8, 2.2, 2.6, 2.8, 3.05, 3.55, 3.95 4.55 mm.
- Head diameters: 4.2, 5.6, 6.9, 7.5, 8.2, 9.5, 10.8, 12.5 mm.
- Thread lengths: 6.5, 9.5, 13, 16, 19, 25, 32 mm.
- Thread diameter: 2.2, 2.9, 3.5, 3.9, 4.2, 4.8, 5, 5, 6.3 mm.
If you use a stainless steel screw with a semicircular head and a blunt end, then before installing it you need to make a mark and pre-drilled a hole in the material. The diameter of the holes must exactly match the diameter of the hardware.
Self-tapping screws with a semicircular head (DIN 7981, GOST 10621) are made of A2 stainless steel and acid-resistant A4 steel. Thanks to the alloying elements which are a part of steels, self-tapping screws with a semicircular head of DIN 7981 are steady against influence of corrosion, external atmospheric phenomena, sharp differences of temperatures, well show in the conditions of the increased humidity and so on. A4 steel products can be used in structures that come into contact with some aggressive environments: salty seawater, acids and alkaline solutions.
Stainless steel self-tapping screw with a semicircular head application?
This fastener is mainly used for joining sheet materials of various metals, plastics, hardboard with wooden bases, metal structures, etc.
Due to good technical characteristics, the scope of self-tapping screws is quite large. Self-tapping screws are widely used in many industries: in various construction, repair and finishing processes, during production, assembly and installation of furniture, installation of various hinged structures, in mechanical engineering, in everyday life and more.
High-quality steel, as well as sharpening of the tip and thread, make it possible to tighten the screws without damaging the materials.
Where to buy and how to deliver stainless steel screws with a semicircular head (DIN 7981, GOST 10621)?
The full range of stainless steel mounts is available on our Dinmark website.
У нас Ви зможете купити саморізи нержавіючі з напівкруглою голівкою (DIN 7981, ГОСТ 10621) оптом та в роздріб, з прямою доставкою в будь-яку точку України, в тому числі, в Київ, Харків, Дніпропетровськ, Запоріжжя, Одесу, Миколаїв, Херсон та ін. Компанія Dinmark працює безпосередньо з виробниками, тому пропонує своїм клієнтам виключно високоякісне, сертифіковане, оригінальне і надійне нержавіюче кріплення за найнижчими цінами!
В каталозі Dinmark представлений широкий асортимент будь-яких нержавіючих металовиробів, включаючи саморізи з напівкруглою головкою з нержавіючої сталі — хороша ціна, висока якість, надійність і кваліфікований сервіс гарантовані!
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