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Головна Каталог товарів АкціїБажаєте замовити?
Специфікації |
Артикул |
933-8-16-8,8d/3 |
Fastening group | High-strength fastening |
Standard | DIN 933 |
Material | Stal |
Strength class | 8.8 |
Coating | Delta-MKS |
Diameter, mm | 8 |
Length, mm | 16 |
Packaging, pcs. | 50 |
Head | Hexagonal |
Type of carving | Full |
Thread type | Metric |
Купити та замовити
A fully threaded bolt is a fastener consisting of a hexagonal head and a stud that has a metric thread along its entire length.
Area of application: The DIN 933 bolt is used for connecting and fastening parts and structures in construction and mechanical engineering.
Material of manufacture: high-strength structural alloy steel. The high strength class of 8.8 allows the bolts to be used in highly loaded connections.
Coating: Delta-MKS. Delta-MKS protective dispersed zinc anti-corrosion coating provides highly effective cathodic corrosion protection.
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