Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B


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Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B

G&B Fissaggi Srl

Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B креслення Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B креслення
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Base materialConcrete
Screw diameter7
Turnkey size, mm40
Diameter, mm10
BrandG&B Fissaggi Srl
Length, mm120
SlotStar-shaped (torx)
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Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B
Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B креслення
Dowel GX 10x120 nylon and screw secretly 7x120 A4 TX G&B Dinmark

Dowel GX universal nylon and screw TX - is a fastener from the company G&B, which is designed for a long-lasting and strong connection. Due to the housing with 4 sectors, it provides increased tightness in any building materials.


Advantages of this dowel:

  • Anti-rotation geometry;
  • Expansion using nodes on perforated supports;
  • Screw locking system to avoid expansion of the plug during installation in the hole;
  • Quick and easy insertion even on perforated supports without the risk of bending;
  • Easy to tighten even with hand tools.


Scope: Suitable for use on basic building materials: stone, concrete, solid, semi-solid, perforated brick, illuminated concrete (aerated concrete).


Indispensable for fasteners in the following areas: installation of windows, roofs, insulating panels, ventilated walls, insulation.


Material: Dowel - nylon; Screw - high-strength structural alloy steel + zinc coating; Stainless steel A4.

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