Drills SDS max-9 Break Through BOSCH


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Drills SDS max-9 Break Through BOSCH
Drills SDS max-9 Break Through BOSCH креслення
Drills SDS max-9 Break Through BOSCH Dinmark

The SDS max-9 BreakThrough drill is the standard choice for drilling large and deep holes in concrete. The tip with 3 cutting edges is made of high-quality carbide, brazed and hardened under vacuum conditions for fast work and good removal of large fragments of material. The long tapered shank of the drill allows for drilling holes, and the large U-shaped helix provides good dust removal.

The drill is designed for drilling holes with a diameter of 45-80 mm in concrete, stone masonry and limestone, for example for laying cables and pipes. Designed for use with punches.

Note. Be sure to use a drill for drilling holes with perforators of sufficient power, otherwise there is a danger of overloading. Follow the manual for the operation of the perforator

Drills SDS max-9 Break Through BOSCH


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Diameter, mm45556580
Length, mm6001000
ApplicationDrills for brickwork of concrete
Product rangeAccessories PRO
Packing typePlastic packaging, suspension, with Euro hole
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