DIN 71412-A zinc Oil press hydraulic straight 180 degrees

DIN 71412-B A1 hydraulic oil press, angular 45/67 degrees

DIN 71412-A A1 Oil press hydraulic straight 180 degrees

DIN 71412-C zinc Oil press hydraulic angular 90 degrees

DIN 71412-B zinc oil press hydraulic angular 45/67 degrees

DIN 71412-B A4 Hydraulic oil press, angular 45/67 degrees

DIN 71412-B brass oil press hydraulic angular 45/67 degrees

DIN 71412-A A4 Oil press hydraulic straight 180 degrees

DIN 71412-A brass Oil press hydraulic straight 180 degrees

DIN 71412-C A1 Hydraulic oil press, angular 90 degrees

DIN 71412-C brass hydraulic oil press 90 degrees

DIN 71412-A A1 Oil press for pressing 180 degrees

DIN 71412-A zinc Press oiler for pressing 180 degrees

DIN 71412-AS zinc yellow Oil press with self-tapping thread 180 degrees

DIN 71412-BS zinc yellow Oil press with self-tapping thread 45/67 degrees

DIN 71412-CS zinc yellow Oil press with self-tapping thread 90 degrees

DIN 3405-A цинк Пресмаслянка різьбова 180 градусів шестигранна головка

DIN 3405-A zinc Press oil press 180 degrees

DIN 3405-A A1 Oil press threaded 180 degree hex head

DIN 3405-C zinc Oil press threaded 90 degree hex head

DIN 3405 zinc Press oil press concealed 180 degrees

DIN 3404-M zinc Oil press with flat head

DIN 3404-M A4 Oil press with flat head

DIN 3404-M A1 Oil press with flat head

DIN 3404-M brass Oil press with flat head

DIN 3402-A zinc Oil press threaded 180 degrees hexagon

AN 282 brass Bayonet oil press

What is an oil press and how does this device work? No matter how strange it sounds, many people have no idea about its appearance and principle of operation. In fact, it is a very simple universal device, which is used to lubricate metal products, fasteners, hard-to-reach connections. This high-strength attachment plays the role of not only a lubrication valve, but also a protective one, protecting the lubrication channel from contamination.
The synonym of the oil press is the tavot. It got its name because solidol, which is used in the work of the oiler, was previously called tavot.
Features of the design and operation of the oil press
Structurally, the press oil is a valve that allows oil to flow one-way. Lubricant is pushed out of the valve by means of a ball and a spring under the influence of pressure. After the lubrication process is finished, the spring returns to its initial position and the valve closes. At the same time, both liquid and thick lubricants are used.
Current GOSTs establish several types of buttermilk:
- straight;
- angular;
- pressing
The first two types of oil pans are installed by screwing, and the last one by pressing.
Materials for the production of oil presses are high-strength stainless steel, zinc or brass.
Installation of press oil pans
Процес встановлення тавотниць нескладний. Але слід бути дуже акуратними, не докладати надмірних зусиль, щоб уникнути механічних пошкоджень і не пошкодити маслянку.
The process of installing tavotnyka is simple. But you should be very careful, do not make excessive efforts, in order to avoid mechanical damage and not to damage the oil pan.
Installation of the oil pan is carried out using an angle wrench. You should not twist the oil press by hand, because there is a risk of skewing the thread and subsequent jamming. As a result, the oil pan may burst.