DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key


Technical characteristics

DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key
DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key креслення
DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key Dinmark

Parallel key a metal element that is used as a fastener in various mechanisms and structures. It has an oblong shape and can perform a number of functions.

Scope used for fixing gears, wheels, flywheels and other parts on the shafts of mechanisms.

Material stainless steel. The A5 steel grade allows to use fastenings at considerable differences of temperature and in the aggressive and humid environment.


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DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key
DIN 6885 A A5 Parallel key креслення
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Fastening groupStainless steel fasteners
StandardDIN 6885AГОСТ 23360-78
MaterialStainless steel A5
Length, mm810121416182022252830323536404550566063708090100
Height, mm456789
Packaging, pcs.50100
Ширина, мм4568101214
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