DIN 988-PS A2 adjustable Washer without coating


Технічні характеристики

DIN 988-PS A2 adjustable Washer without coating
DIN 988-PS A2 adjustable Washer without coating креслення
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Adjustable washer a fastening product that, unlike the main type of washers, has a very narrow field and a wide range of thicknesses on each of the diameters. For example, with a diameter of 5 mm, we will have a set of washers with a thickness of 0.1 to 1 mm, with a step of 0.1. This allows you to perform the main function of this washer - to adjust the gaps between the connecting elements and the fastener to balance the assembly and avoid skew or backlash, with an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm. This makes the connection more reliable as it reduces vibration forces. Basically, this washer is installed in a pair with retaining rings.

Scope DIN 988-PS takes place in areas such as machine tool, instrument and manufacturing industries. It is mainly used to compensate for axial clearances of machine parts.

Material stainless steel.

No coverage.

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DIN 988-PS A2 adjustable Washer without coating
DIN 988-PS A2 adjustable Washer without coating креслення
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StandardDIN 988
Diameter, mm345678910111213141516171819202225262830323536374042454850525556606365707580859095100105110120130140150160170
Зовнішній діаметр, мм681012131415161718192021222425262830323536374042454750525560626568727580859095100105110115120130140150160170180190200
Товщина, мм0.
Packaging, pcs.102550751002002505001000
OEM numbers237910 Claas238434 Claas234422 Claas236771 Claas234435 Claas234403 Claas234416 Claas234383 Claas218051 Claas215210 Claas234425 Claas704127 Claas234427 Claas234414 Claas239169 Claas212134 Claas234410 Claas237851 Claas234395 Claas234401 Claas234397 Claas234059 Claas234385 Claas234408 Claas665022 Claas214113 Claas211105 Claas
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