DIN 7337 Al/St exhaust Rivet with flat magnified flange

DIN 7337 St / St exhaust Rivet with flat magnified flange

DIN 7337 Al/A2 exhaust Rivet with flat magnified flange

DIN 7337 A2/A2 exhaust Rivet with flat magnified flange

DIN 7337 Al/Al Extraction rivet with a flat enlarged shoulder

9700 M RFbn Nyl/Pa Extraction rivet with a split body and an enlarged shoulder

ISO 15977 Al/St Extraction rivet with flat enlarged shoulder Bralo

ISO 15977 Al/Al Extraction rivet with flat enlarged shoulder Bralo

ISO 15977 Al/A2 Extraction rivet with flat enlarged shoulder Bralo

ISO 15979 St/St Extraction rivet with flat enlarged shoulder Bralo

ISO 15983 A2/A2 Extraction rivet with flat enlarged shoulder Bralo
What is a stainless steel rivet with an enlarged flange?
This type of fastening belongs to the exhaust type of rivets. The main task of a rivet with an enlarged flange DIN 7337 - connection, fastening of sheet materials with one-way access and creation of reliable, tight inseparable connections. The flat wide bead of a rivet increases durability of connection of elements of a design at high operational loadings. Exhaust rivets with a wide flange are able to withstand strong dynamic, vibro- and aerodynamic loads. Designed to connect delicate and soft materials such as wood, plastic, soft metals, etc.
Installation, installation of these fasteners is carried out using a special tool - a riveter (manual or automated). To remove the rivets and disassemble the parts, you need to cut the cap of the fastener.
Exhaust rivet DIN 7337 is mainly made of A2 stainless steel and A4 acid-resistant steel. Carbon steel, copper, brass, etc. can also be used as a material for manufacturing. The most common are rivets with a wide flange, made of steel A2 and A4. Thanks to the alloying elements which are a part of these steels, rivets with the increased flange from stainless steel are steady against influence of corrosion, external atmospheric phenomena, sharp differences of temperatures, well show in the conditions of the increased humidity, etc. A4 steel products can be used in structures that come into contact with some aggressive environments: salty seawater, acids and alkaline solutions. To increase the technical characteristics, rivets with a wide (enlarged) flange can be covered with protective coatings.
Where are stainless steel rivets with a wide (enlarged) flange used?
Exhaust stainless steel rivets with a wide (enlarged) flange are considered to be one of the best, convenient, multifunctional fasteners for fastening various materials and surfaces.
Rivets with enlarged (wide) flange are used in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, machine building, during the installation of metal structures, they are often used in various construction and installation processes, in the manufacture of aircraft, cars, cars, agricultural and farm machinery, plants and equipment, in the manufacture of medical equipment and facilities, during the production of some electronics, household appliances, banking equipment, during the production and assembly of furniture, door structures, etc.
Where to buy and how to deliver stainless steel rivets with a wide (enlarged) flange?
You can wholesale rivets with a wide (enlarged) flange stainless DIN 7337 you can in our online store Dinmark. We will help to deliver stainless steel fastening to any point of Ukraine, including, to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, etc.
Dinmark works directly with manufacturers, so it offers customers only high-quality, modern and reliable stainless steel fasteners. All goods meet the established standards and norms, and are accompanied by all necessary documentation - certificates and passports.
We provide an individual approach to each client, a flexible system of discounts for wholesale and retail buyers.
In our catalog you will find a wide range of stainless steel fasteners, including rivets with a wide (enlarged) stainless steel flange (DIN 7337), affordable price, qualified service and fast delivery are guaranteed!
If necessary, our specialists are always ready to provide the buyer with competent advice on various issues.